Episode 62 – Darknet
Welcome to Episode 62
Main topic
- Jack Rhysider from Darknet Diaries
- Who is this guy
- What does he do for a living
- What is Darknet Diaries
- How did you come up with the idea?
- “Out On the wire” book (https://smile.amazon.com/Out-Wire-Storytelling-Secrets-Masters/dp/0385348436)
- His blog! (https://www.tunnelsup.com/)
- Oh yeah, DARKNET DIARIES! (https://darknetdiaries.com)
- WOPR Summit 0x1 – March 27-29, 2020 at the Ft Washington Holiday Inn Express & Suites in Philadelphia, PA (https://www.woprsummit.org/)
No new reviews, give us a review!!
- Jason is running the OSX Catalina beta.. Surprise (NOT!)
- Jason uses downcast, and thinks his perfect podcast app doesn’t exist
- Nate uses overcast, and it’s good enough.
- Dustin made fun of Jason’s horrible browser tab hygiene.
- https://silverblue.fedoraproject.org/
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/06/06/he-asked-fbi-analyze-bigfoot-hair-years-ago-never-heard-back-until-now/
- https://www.i-programmer.info/news/86-browsers/12838-firefox-premium-coming-this-fall.html
- https://qz.com/work/1634380/schwartz-center-rounds-stops-burnout-in-doctors-could-it-help-others/
- https://www.techspot.com/article/1850-how-screwed-is-intel-no-hyper-threading/
- https://www.cnet.com/features/amazons-helping-police-build-a-surveillance-network-with-ring-doorbells/
- https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2019/06/travelers-images-stolen-attack-cbp/591403/
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/05/28/laptop-with-some-worlds-most-destructive-malware-sold-million/
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Intro and Outro music credit: Tri Tachyon, Digital MK 2